“Point of View” by Philip Winestone – A bit of humor from the author, woven through his description of a profound personal realization. He inspires the question, “Art thou the dreamer in the dream or the dreamer of the dream.” “Life and Times with Richard Rose” by Cecy Rose – A “normal” life it was not. An interesting life? That’s an understatement. “People I’ve never met write to me regularly asking about what it was like to live with Richard Rose. The answer is simple – nothing not out of the ordinary.” “The Enneagram” by Andrew McMaster – Taking a line from Richard Rose’s teaching that we should employ whatever means necessary when going within, “Mac” has chosen to write about an ancient system of defining the personality in order to observe and retreat from the obstacles it puts on our path to Truth.

The Observer’s Nook – Volume 5, Number 3