The staff at Richard Rose Teachings and Rose Publications has published its last and twenty-third issue of its quarterly newsletter “The Observer’s Nook”. It is presented as a downloadable PDF for your convenience. We encourage you to forward the newsletter to friends who may be interested in what we are doing, or to anyone you think might be interested in receiving mailings from us. We would also like to hear from you, our readers. Just write to the editor, Thank you!
Volume 1, Number 1
“A Short Story,” by Tony Kalar. One of the very first contributors to the newsletter presents the reader with an overview of the roads leading to enlightenment; “The History of the Pyramid Zen Society,” an account by a former student of the early beginnings of the group that formed around Richard Rose’s teachings.
Volume 1, Number 2
“A Testimonial from the Midwest,” by Andrew McMaster. Mac tells his personal story about his experience with Richard Rose’s Teachings as compared to other systems; “Political Correct vs. Reality and the Truth,” by Lee Warfield. This article puts everything into perspective that Richard Rose spoke and wrote about in regards to social illusions and legislating truth; “Our Readers Say,” comments by some people new to the teachings of Richard Rose.
Volume 1, Number 3
“The Dew Diamonds,” (Title taken from a book by Amos Lawrence). Correspondence, poetry and brief articles from readers of the Richard Rose Teachings Newsletter; “Out of Control,” poetry by Kathleen Rose (one of Richard’s daughters); “Thawed Progeny,” poetry written between 1980 and 1983 by James Cornie; “Consciousness and Awareness,” from Carillon by Richard Rose.
Volume 1, Number 4
“A ‘Pearl’ from the Archives – The Jane S. Story,” a detailed account of one student’s “Mountain experience”; “Employ Whatever Necessary,” by Andrew McMaster. Mac summarizes the Meditation technique of “Going Within” as advised by Richard Rose; “Poetry for contemplation,” by James Cornie and Lee Warfield. Two very different views and styles, but both influenced by their contact with teacher Richard Rose.