The Albigen System is a unique path created several decades ago by teacher/author Richard Rose when he first began working with those who wished to find a retreat from error and a vector that would bring them to a full realization of Truth or Enlightenment. Based on his book, The Albigen Papers, along with personal notes and observations he held about the psychology of observation and action, he “prescribed” a ways and means of “Becoming” as he put it – so that one could identify their obstacles and chief feature in order to become the Truth. He would often refer to the phrase, “becoming as a little child,” to bring about the understanding that a person must rid themselves of their “barnacles and bugs” to even begin to develop an intuition and clarity which would eventually bring them to an understanding of their essential nature.
The Albigen System aims directly at Self-Realization or Enlightenment. It is a practical, subtractive system. It is not jaded by political correctness, positive thinking, devotion, dogma or ritual. It is simply based on going beyond illusion, beginning with the self. His system of meditation is likewise simply based on going within and observing your thoughts, humiliations, errors and egos with a detached “massive indifference.” It does not seek for definitions of Truth but instead encourages the individual to develop a vector that leads away from untruth. He referred to this as the Maximum Reversal System. By uncovering and acknowledging the illusions, untruths and inconsistencies in our own lives we stand a chance of stumbling upon our true nature and our very Source.
The Albigen System is a unique path created several decades ago by teacher/author Richard Rose when he first began working with those who wished to find a retreat from error and a vector that would bring them to a full realization of Truth or Enlightenment. Based on his book, The Albigen Papers, along with personal notes and observations he held about the psychology of observation and action, he “prescribed” a ways and means of “Becoming” as he put it – so that one could identify their obstacles and chief feature in order to become the Truth. He would often refer to the phrase, “becoming as a little child,” to bring about the understanding that a person must rid themselves of their “barnacles and bugs” to even begin to develop an intuition and clarity which would eventually bring them to an understanding of their essential nature.
The Albigen System aims directly at Self-Realization or Enlightenment. It is a practical, subtractive system. It is not jaded by political correctness, positive thinking, devotion, dogma or ritual. It is simply based on going beyond illusion, beginning with the self. His system of meditation is likewise simply based on going within and observing your thoughts, humiliations, errors and egos with a detached “massive indifference.” It does not seek for definitions of Truth but instead encourages the individual to develop a vector that leads away from untruth. He referred to this as the Maximum Reversal System. By uncovering and acknowledging the illusions, untruths and inconsistencies in our own lives we stand a chance of stumbling upon our true nature and our very Source.
“The purpose is to find the Truth – meaning self-definition, and the true relation of man to his fellow man, and a true understanding of our life’s events.”
In the processes of “re-traversing the ray” as is so beautifully illustrated on the cover of The Direct-Mind Experience, we are required to make some tough choices. By turning inward and asking if the path that you are currently on is working for you, eventually the mental computer has to come up with an answer. If you are intuitive and discerning enough to discard all the social illusions and honestly face yourself, you will discover your answer. In his book, The Albigen Papers, Rose listed obstacles to our transcendental efforts. These include those of: 1) External Nature – meaning visible, terrestrial life and planetary relationships; and invisible, or dimensions beyond our senses; 2) Internal Nature – the appetites, including sex, security, food, pleasures other than sex, curiosity; 3) Fears – including the fear of dying, fear of scorn or social harm, and fear of mental or spiritual harm; 4) Blocks – including the seven deadly sins*, physical limitations, and economic exigencies; and finally 5) Forms of Rationalization – that we will be able to do the thing better at a later date, that we will ride the tide of humanity into heaven, that social services or “good works” have spiritual gain, that the gods have ears, that the gods have noses and eyes, that positive thinking will make gods of us or lead us to liberation, that the guru will save us, that faith will save us, that spiritual paths may be evaluated by their popularity, that we can “feel” our way alone, that we can do it with our omnipotent reason, that God will take care of everything, that our present belief shall be our final evaluation of Truth, and that everything is hopeless or useless.
The Albigen System provides yardsticks with which we can measure our progress in eliminating the untruths, distractions and obstacles, both mental and physical, that cloud our observation mechanism. It does not cater to the masses, but instead provides the catalyst necessary to carry us through our quest to find ourselves and arrive at the realization of what action is necessary to take us in that direction.
* Referred to by Rose as the seven obstacles to understanding and published by the church long before the science of psychology was invented, these are listed on page 172 of The Albigen Papers.
Insert from, Peace of Mind: Success Without Regret
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What is the Albigen System?
- A way of living your life aimed at understanding that life.
- A life of brotherhood–helping and being helped by others with a common goal.
- A system not of learning but of becoming the Truth.
- A man who reached enlightenment at the age of 30, in 1947, and dedicated his life toward helping others who were seeking self-definition.
- Who learned that the direct path to Truth is through retreating from untruth.
- And who thus recommended an approach that is “subjective, subtractive, immanent and designed for immediately changing and becoming.”
- Aims at self-definition and considers all knowledge incomplete until the knower or experiencer is known or identified.
- Does not attempt to prove itself by the vanity of logic but is inductive and answers to common sense and intuition.
- Revolves around confrontation, both in friendly questioning that challenges each others’ thinking to the point of retreating from error and in self-confrontational meditation.