The staff at Richard Rose Teachings and Rose Publications has published its last and twenty-third issue of its quarterly newsletter “The Observer’s Nook”. It is presented as a downloadable PDF for your convenience. We encourage you to forward the newsletter to friends who may be interested in what we are doing, or to anyone you think might be interested in receiving mailings from us. We would also like to hear from you, our readers. Just write to the editor, Thank you!
Volume 2, Number 1
“No Enlightenment,” composed by Andrew McMaster in collaboration with Philip Winestone. Quoting the Tao Te Ching, Huang Po and Tony Parsons, Mac and Philip, well-versed in various esoteric traditions, draw comparisons to Rose’s approach of “retreating from error”; “Thoughts on Action,” by John Rose. Brother-in-law to Richard Rose and long-time friend and student, John gives us a glimpse into the mind of a seeker as he walks through mundane, daily living; “Poetry for Contemplation and Enjoyment,” by Jim Cornie. The humorous and the profound meet on paper.
Volume 2, Number 2
“Riding the horns of the paradox…” quoting some advice by Richard Rose; “Entity Work,” by John Rose. John gives us pause to think about the relationship between energy and “entities,” an esoteric subject not broached by the majority of spiritual systems and teachers; “Summer of 1969,” by Howard Levine. This successful musician writes down an inspiring story of the profound effect that spending one summer with Richard Rose had on his life while still a young aspiring musician; “Inspirational Poetry,” by Lee Warfield. A pause for reflection for all those who doubt; Poetry and two short essays by James Cornie. An astute scientist and seeker, Jim defines spirituality through scientific exploration.
Volume 2, Number 3
“An Interview with Alan Fitzpatrick on The Sex Connection, A Study of Desire, Seduction and Compulsion based on the psychological teachings of Richard Rose”; “Re-Reading and Remembering Richard Rose and How We Met,” by James Cornie. One of the original members of the “Pyramid Zen Group” of Pittsburgh, where Richard Rose frequently joined in on meetings, gives his personal account; “Thoughts from Afar,” by Philip Winestone. This Scottish born Canadian philosopher gives the reader a background in Zen and other Eastern Philosophies upon which to compare the teachings of Richard Rose. Included is a portrait of Rose, painted by Philip; “Inspirational Poetry,” by Lee Warfield. This longtime friend of Rose, to whom he attributes literally saving his life, expresses through his poetry the way by which he came to his healing.
Volume 2, Number 4
“If ‘There is no Recipe for a Lightning Bolt’—Why Meditate?” by Andrew McMaster. Mac, a longtime student of esoteric studies and Zen, sheds light, if not lightning, on the value of Rose’s advice on meditation; “For Whom the Carillon Tolls.” From his book of poetry and essays, we couldn’t resist including “Psychology of Miracles” in this particular newsletter; “An In-depth View on the Psychology of Richard Rose,” by Alan Fitzpatrick. With the upcoming release of his book, The Sex Connection, the author discusses Richard Rose’s teachings on sex and the search for Truth; “Letters from Richard Rose—The ‘Post-Experience’ Correspondence.” A recent discovery of letters dating from 1950 on, has been quite a revelation in regards to Rose’s views on teachers and organizations as expressed to friends and contacts; “More Poignant Poetry,” by James Cornie. Jim shares his poetry, delivered in the 1980’s at a Kerouac Festival in Lowell, MA, reflecting a bit of the influence and philosophy of Richard Rose on a longtime friend and student.